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What We Raise


Our cows on pasture for 6 months out of the year. They are fed high quality hay and balage over winter. What we can't put by ourselves, we buy locally. We currently hay about 120 acres and graze roughly 130 acres between Whitingham and Halifax VT. We are a cow/calf farm to finish operation. We are active members of The Adirondack Grazers Beef Cooperative. Providing them with antibiotic and growth hormone free, 100% Grass-fed & Grass- finsished beef which we raise from start to finish.


Some of the fields we utilize are being revitalized and brought back into production. We are working with local land owners who are interested in preserving and improving the quality of their acreage. We have found that the presence of the cows and their manure in the fields is simply, the way nature intended it. The cows eat the grasses, trample the weeds, keep the brush back, and fertilize the field all in one pass. While simultaneousley building the quality of the soil and promoting habitat for beneficial worm and bug life within the soil. It's really a win win, for us, for them, and for the environment! For fields that need a little more help choking out the weeds we spread lime with wood ash which helps balance the pH of the soil and discourage weed regrowth.








Our heritage breed laying hens are Barred Rock, Black Astralorpe, & Ameuracana.


~We sell our Non-Gmo Eggs here at the farm for $5.00 per dozen~

Our eggs can also be found at The Jacksonville General Store & Blue Mtn Produce.


Our meat birds are Non-Gmo

Freedom Rangers from the PA Dutch.


They are raised on pasture and fed VT Green Mountain Feeds Organic/Non Gmo Grain, scratch and garden scraps.


We sell our birds whole at $5.00 per pound. 

Currently taking orders for this summer 2016!

Email us to get on the list, we have limited capacity!

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